This annual event is an opportunity to present an assessment of the year's actions in the presence of our sports ambassadors and personalities from the ocean world.
A look back at Nuit de l'Océan 2023
On November 29, the ocean took center stage at our annual event: La Nuit de l’Océan. We had a packed house for this wonderful moment of sharing and inspiration!
Pure Ocean Lovers turned out in force: donors, ambassadors and partners were on hand to celebrate our actions in favor of marine preservation. Many thanks for your scientific and sporting testimonials, highlighting the positive impact of our collective commitment. It’s thanks to you that, day after day, we continue to discover and protect the ocean!
The evening wouldn’t have been so enjoyable without the premiere of the documentary “The Blue Quest Palawan” by Clément Pourtal and Jérôme Brousse. Together we traveled through the Palawan archipelago, and these incredible images showing the importance of marine protected areas will remain etched in our memories. Thanks to The Blue Quest, we were able to meet some extraordinary men and women who take action every day to protect the ocean. What emotions and what a privilege to have been able to preview this document.
Thank you to all the speakers, thank you to the participants for your smiles, thank you to Cédric Miquelis and the Chambord cinema for their exceptional welcome, and thank you to Elsa Charbit for hosting this wonderful evening.
See you soon for future events!