Click on the interactive map above to discover our 21 projects.

(Call for projects 2024)
New Zealand
Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
(Call for projects 2024)
Ciimar, Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental
University of Dhaka
(Call for projects 2024)
Global Ocean
MIO, Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography
(Call for projects 2024)
MIO, Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography
(Call for projects 2024)
Instituto BKK, Bonfarto KAF Konservado
(Call for projects 2024)
Sydney, Australia
University of Tasmania
The projects supported by Pure Ocean fall into 4 main themes, inspired by the 10 “Ocean Decade Challenges” described by the United Nations at the launch of the Decade of Ocean Sciences (2020-2030, find out more):
Understanding marine pollution and combating its origins
Protecting biodiversity and restoring ecosystems
Promoting the resilience of marine ecosystems and the people who depend on them
Improving our knowledge of the ocean system

These projects have the potential to open up new avenues of action in order to :
Observe and measure changes in marine life, physico-chemical characteristics and their impact on global dynamics,
using marine resources sustainably
identify techniques for restoring ecosystems and biodiversity.