The abyss continues to surprise us!

The abyss continues to surprise us!

Dark, hostile, little-known, with extreme living conditions, our deep sea hides an incredible biodiversity! A recent study published in Scientific Reports reveals the surprising adaptability of marine species on the ocean floor.

At a depth of 1,700 meters off the Azores, scientists have discovered an abundance of fauna that defies expectations in an acidic environment laden with heavy metals. This unexpected biodiversity demonstrates the incredible environmental resilience of the abyss’ inhabitants.

Mussels, shrimps, bivalves and marine worms proliferate in these extreme conditions, thanks in particular to the crucial role played by the Bathymodiolus azoricus mussel. This ingenious species contributes to the creation of a complex habitat, enabling a diverse fauna to settle in despite environmental constraints.

Research focuses on hydrothermal springs, where geysers of mineral-rich water erupt from the depths to form underwater vents. Research focuses on hydrothermal springs, where geysers of mineral-rich water erupt from the depths to form underwater vents.

However, the preservation of these ecosystems is crucial. Deep-sea mining threatens to disrupt these fragile habitats, jeopardizing an exceptional biodiversity with uncommon adaptive capacities.

The scientific community is calling for a moratorium on mining until further research can be carried out to better understand these ecosystems. It’s time to act to protect the hidden wonders of the abyss, witness to unsuspected life in the ocean depths.

Read the scientific article:


Meet the talented Ainhoa Leiceaga, a top-level surfer!

Meet talented top surfer Ainhoa Leiceaga

At just 21, Ainhoa embodies the passion and determination that drive champions. But that’s not all! Alongside her life in the waves, she is also brilliantly pursuing her studies in physics and chemistry.

For her, the ocean is much more than a playground, it’s her whole life, her daily source of well-being. It’s where she pushes her limits, where she draws her energy, from this force of nature.

Scientific and sporty, she’s the perfect reflection of Pure Ocean! An inspiring example for all those who dream of reconciling passion and commitment.


5 inconspicuous ways seagrass beds boost biodiversity

5 inconspicuous ways seagrass beds boost biodiversity

Seagrass beds are one of the largest marine ecosystems on the planet, occupying around 300,000 km2 of the seabed and spread across 159 countries. Yet the equivalent of a soccer field disappears every 30 minutes, and an estimated 7% of the world’s seagrass beds are lost every year. Ocean acidification, coastal development and rising ocean temperatures caused by climate change are the main causes of seagrass disappearance.

Discover the 5 inconspicuous ways in which seagrass beds stimulate biodiversity!


Lucie Cocquempot at the Arkea Ultime Challenge

Comment observe-t-on l’océan ?

Alors que les champions approchent de la fin du périple, replongeons dans notre soirée au départ de l’Arkea Ultim Challenge où nous avons eu le privilège d’accueillir Lucie Cocquempot, porteuse du projet Citizen into Science !

Lucie nous a éclairé sur la manière dont nous observons l’océan, discutant de l’importance de la recherche océanique, des méthodes utilisées et de comment chacun peut contribuer à cette cause.

🔬⛵ C’est pour répondre à ces enjeux que Lucie a initié le projet Citizen into Science, soutenu par Pure Ocean depuis 2023, grâce à vos dons. Un projet novateur qui vise à mobiliser les plaisanciers dans la collecte de données océanographiques via un boîtier satellite, faisant ainsi de chacun un “observ’acteur” de l’océan. Le boîtier permettra de mesurer la température, la salinité, l’oxygénation – des paramètres essentiels pour comprendre la circulation et l’état de santé de l’océan.

🌎 À grande échelle, cette initiative promet de transformer notre façon d’interagir avec l’océan et de protéger notre précieux écosystème marin.

🚢 L’expédition OceanoScientific, qui part pour la Guadeloupe ce samedi 24 février à bord du LOVE THE OCEAN, nous fait l’honneur d’inaugurer le premier boitier Oceano Vox du réseau ! Bon vent à Yvan Griboval et son équipage, nous avons hâte de recevoir vos premiers résultats !

📽️ Pour en savoir plus, (re)vivez son intervention inspirante en vidéo !

Our ambassador Denis Gargaud came to visit us!

International Women in Science Day