Entries by Pureocean

Pure Ocean Summit 2018

We are happy to share with you the highlights of our first Pure Ocean Summit. On April 26th this year, scheduled around the time of the Seafood Expo Global in Brussels (the largest international trade fair in the seafood sector), Pure Ocean organized an encounter between researchers and key business players to better understand the issues and means available to save our oceans. During a morning of exchanges and collaboration, the “Pure Ocean Summit” brought together Philippe Cury (IRD), Marie-Alexandrine Sicre (LOCEAN), project leaders from the Ocean Innovation Tour and economic players.  

Seafoodia, sponsor of Pure Ocean and historical partner of Défi de Monte Cristo dived into the water on June 23th and 24th!

Created in 1999, the Défi Monte-Cristo is  the most important open-water swim in the Mediterranean Sea! On this occasion, the passionate and committed “Seafoodia” team decided to combine the mythical escape of Edmond Dantès with a quest for meaning to save our oceans and swam for Pure Ocean. You can take part in the adventure too! Help us support our projects! The funds raised will be paid in full to the applied research projects selected by the Scientific Committee of Pure Ocean.

Launch of Call for Projects 2018

Dear applicants, share your projects!! Our first call for projects is now open until May 20th at midnight. You can download its content herewith: Call for projects 2018 – Pure Ocean Fund and fill out the online application form. Good luck everyone! Results will be announced to selected participants, by the end of June 2018.

Save the Date! Pure Ocean Summit

Save the Date! The first Pure Ocean Summit will be held on: Thursday 26th April – from 8.30 am to 2 p Salle des Guichets – BIP Rue Royale 2-4, 1000 Bruxelles   On the agenda, conferences and workshops to discuss together the issues and solutions to protect our oceans. If you have not received your invitation yet, please contact us: contact@pure-ocean.org

Event Manager

Pure Ocean is looking for an Event Manager – with a strong multi-project management experience, French and English fluent – for organising its two brand new big events in 2018: Pure Ocean Summit and Pure Ocean Race. If you are creative, reactive and want to put your organisational, communicative and negociating skills at the service of the Oceans and ensure the success of these environmental awareness projects, please send us your resume and application letter (English version) at contact@pure-ocean.org

Senior Fundraiser

Pure Ocean is looking for its new talent – a Senior Fundraiser (7 to 10 years exp. min.) passionate and commited to the Environment and the Oceans. If you are persuasive and reactive, a good listener, determined with a taste for challenge, French and English fluent, please send us your resume and application letter (English version) at : contact@pure-ocean.org

Best Wishes & A Happy New Year in 2018

The whole Pure Ocean team, David, Laura, Déborah and Charlotte, wish you a happy new year and all the best for 2018.  An exciting year is ahead with many upcoming events: our first call for projects, our Pure Ocean Summit and Race.  We’d like to thank you for your support; we keep on growing because of you, us and our common love for the Oceans. If you are a businessman, it’s time to get involved and take action in one way or another: create your own actions for a better and fair Society, a healthy Environment or support people in need; or join current organisations just like us. That is what we wish for the Future! If you want to support us and for donations, please contact us at contact@pure-ocean.org.   Pure Ocean Team

First meeting between members of the Scientific Committee

A few weeks ago, Françoise Gaill, Gilles Boeuf and David Sussmann met in Paris for the first time, to discuss the major areas of work of Pure Ocean in 2018. An exciting, passionate and constructive meeting that announces beautiful projects for our oceans. We will tell you soon more about the launch of our first call for projects which is being written by our team.

Pure Ocean to be launched at the Admical Mécènes Forum on October 5th in Paris

On October 5th, David Sussmann will speak on the subject of “Audacity at the heart of patronage” at the Admical Mécènes Forum, in the Collège de France in Paris. This is the opportunity for him to officially launch the Pure Ocean sheltered foundation project and to demonstrate that patronage also concerns small and medium-sized companies. Gathering more than 500 people in an exceptional location, this event will be the Autumn appointment on subjects related to philanthropy and patronage, in France. This second edition is the opportunity for a joint reflection on research and innovation, through privileged meetings between patronage professionals, business leaders, decision makers and French and International intellectuals. Practical Details Admical Mécènes Forum Thursday October 5th 2017 at the Collège de France David Sussmann Speech on “Audacity at the heart of patronage” at 10.25am  with Alain Supiot, Fanny Picard and Thierry Petit 11 place Marcelin Berthelot – 75005 Paris For more informations: Mécènes Forum