Entries by Pureocean

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Protecting our marine habitats: a crucial issue for biodiversity

15 minutes to find out how our projects are making a difference to the Mediterranean!

Did you know that the destruction of marine habitats is the 2ᵉ factor in the erosion of biodiversity? From coral reefs to Posidonia meadows, each marine habitat plays a vital role for the ocean and the many species that find refuge there.

💡 A glimmer of hope: the recently adopted Nature Restoration Act enshrines an ambitious vision in French and European law. It aims to restore 20% of land and sea areas by 2030, to achieve all the ecosystems needed by 2050. This is a major step towards protecting our natural heritage and promoting blue growth.

⚠️ But beware: the marine protected areas that are often highlighted need to be genuinely protected. Today, fishing is still often authorised in these areas, undermining these essential refuges for biodiversity. There are many different statuses for these so-called ‘protected’ areas, blurring the true level of protection.

👉 We have a collective responsibility: to restore marine habitats, limit destructive practices such as trawling and mining, and preserve the basis of the ecosystems on which we depend every day.

🎥 Discover our new Pure Ocean Story video and get to the heart of this vital issue for the future of the ocean. Together, let’s take action to give marine biodiversity a future.


0.24€, 1.56€, 3,32€… What if these small amounts became a real accelerator for ocean research?

Pay rounding, the power of the collective

0.24€, 1.56€, 3.32€… What if these small amounts became a real accelerator for ocean research?

🍻 During an afterwork at our sponsor CBRE France in Marseille, we were able to raise their employees’ awareness of ocean challenges in a fun way thanks to an innovative card game developed by our teams. The aim? Get them involved by rounding up their salaries.

This simple mechanism allows each employee to round up their salary to the nearest euro (or more! 😉 ), and donate the difference to ocean research through Pure Ocean. A micro gesture that, multiplied by hundreds of employees, has a huge impact.

👏 Well done CBRE for getting involved! Companies, who’s next? We can help you set up the round-up and boost your commitment!


An active underwater volcano transformed into an underwater incubator: the amazing strategy of the stingrays!

An active underwater volcano transformed into an underwater incubator: the amazing strategy of the stingrays!

1,100 metres below the surface, off the Pacific coast of Canada, a fascinating discovery has revealed a well-kept secret of the deep. Giant ray eggs measuring up to 50 cm in diameter have been discovered lying as far as the eye can see on an active underwater volcano! 🥚😱

But it’s no coincidence… These stingrays are thought to use the heat of the volcano to incubate their eggs, transforming this extreme area into an unsuspected natural nursery. A veritable nest covering 2,000 km² where several hundred thousand or even more than a million eggs are incubated. 🔥

✨ This discovery confirms the ingenuity of the white rays of the Pacific, which exploit this source of heat to ensure the development of their eggs despite the cold depths.

The ocean never ceases to surprise us… and reminds us just how many secrets it still has to reveal! ➡️ All the more reason to explore this underwater world, understand it better, and remember the importance of preserving it.

📖 Read it here: https://sciencepost.fr/volcan-sous-marin-actif-million-oeufs-geants/

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15 minutes to find out how our projects are making a difference to the Mediterranean!

15 minutes to find out how our projects are making a difference to the Mediterranean!

A visual journey to see the real impact your commitment is having on protecting the Mediterranean! In just 15 minutes, immerse yourself in revolutionary scientific projects funded thanks to you, and discover how they are taking concrete action for the future of our blue lung. 

This documentary highlights 2 Pure Ocean projects, which by chance have come together in a beautiful story of science 🌟

At the heart of this exploration: the 𝘈𝘦𝘨𝘦𝘢𝘯 𝘊𝘰𝘳𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘴 project, which, with the help of local fishermen, mapped coralligenous reefs, a rare ecosystem teeming with precious biodiversity. These reefs have attracted the attention of Under The Pole, partners in the 𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘴 project, which is collecting samples there to explore the secrets of this ecosystem for the medicine of tomorrow. 

It’s thanks to you that these incredible discoveries are possible. Science needs you to offer solutions for a healthier ocean.

🎥 Watch the documentary and see for yourself how we’re making a real difference. Want to be part of the movement for a healthier ocean? Then join us!

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International Whale Day: Let’s listen to them before it’s too late!

International Whale Day: Let's listen to them before it's too late!

Today, 19 February, we celebrate International Whale Day, the giants of the seas that have roamed the oceans for millions of years. But did you know that their survival is threatened by an invisible enemy? Noise pollution is disrupting their migrations and their communication, which is essential to their survival.

🔊 Sounds are vital for cetaceans: whales use songs and acoustic signals to find their bearings, find food, communicate with each other over hundreds of kilometres and even reproduce. Yet noise generated by human activities (shipping, sonar, underwater infrastructure) disrupts these exchanges and can cause stress, disorientation and even tragic strandings.

🔬 The BIOSSA project – which we are supporting at Pure Ocean – is dedicated to understanding these impacts using satellites and autonomous marine drones. Using these innovative technologies, scientists are analysing the effects of underwater noise on cetaceans between Brazil and Chile, in order to propose concrete solutions to better protect these species.

💙 Let’s take action for a quieter ocean that’s safer for whales. Share this message and help us make their voices heard!

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What happens when you shine a light into the deep ocean?

What happens when you shine a light into the deep ocean?

Right now, the Antarctic Biolum project team is exploring the unknown and discovering new species… thanks to you!

🧊 But how do they do it? Several hundred metres below the surface, it’s cold, dark, the pressure is extreme… For certain areas such as Antarctica, there are also many difficulties such as travelling and deploying equipment through the ice amidst icebergs. These hostile conditions make these areas inaccessible and explain why so many species are still unknown.

✨ However, interacting with this marine life without disturbing it represents a major challenge, not least because of the lack of knowledge about the life habits of these organisms. Researchers on the Antarctic Biolum project are therefore turning to an innovative means of communication that is particularly essential in the depths: bioluminescence.

Since January, Dr Thomas Linley has been on board the Schmidt expedition in Antarctica, meeting these mysterious creatures…

🔬 A unique exploration that lifts the veil on a still unexplored world!


International Day of Women and Girls in Science

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Today, on International #WomenInScienceDay, we celebrate the women researchers, engineers and innovators who, every day, push back the frontiers of knowledge to better understand and protect the ocean. 

At Pure Ocean, we are proud to support women scientists working to preserve marine biodiversity, drive sustainable innovation and combat climate change. Their commitment is essential to building a more resilient future and inspiring future generations.

👏 To all those who explore, analyse and act for a healthier ocean: thank you and well done!

📢 Let’s shine the spotlight on these women who are driving science forward!

Katherine Bolstad, Antarctic Biolum (©Ocean Census) Agnese Riccardi, Panther Emmanuelle Périé-Bardout, Genesis (Under The Pole) Myrina BOULAIS, Genesis (Under The Pole) Francimeire Costa, Regen Ocean Farms Lucie Cocquempot, Citizen into Science Alifa Bintha Haque, Bycatch & Beyond Fanny Karatchodjoukova & Pauline Le Coq, Microcean Jennifer Lavers, Synsen


Another great collective story for the Ocean!

Another great collective story for the Ocean!

A new adventure is being woven around the ocean: Gilles Gambini, a passionate freediver and committed scientist, is joining the Under The Pole diving team! 🐠

What makes this announcement even more special is that Gilles has been a Pure Ocean ambassador for several years, and Under The Pole is a valued partner of the Genesis project as part of the Deep Life programme, which Gilles will be working on. 

This meeting between enthusiasts and scientists, united for the protection of the ocean, shows the importance of the collective, the group, and the union in our common efforts.

👏 Thank you to Gilles, Under The Pole, and all those involved for being part of this human and scientific adventure to preserve our blue planet.


❌ Microplastics: an ever-present danger

❌ Microplastics: an ever-present danger ⤵️

Saviez-vous que plus de la moitié des microplastiques dans l’océan proviennent… des pneus de nos véhicules ?

Vous changez régulièrement les pneus de votre voiture, car il s’usent avec le temps. Mais vous êtes-vous déjà demandé où termine la matière manquante ? Ces fragments, invisibles à l’œil nu, ne sont pas qu’un simple résidu d’usure inerte. Ils libèrent un cocktail toxique de produits chimiques, de métaux lourds et de particules ultrafines qui polluent les sols et les fleuves, pénètrent les chaînes alimentaires marines, et finalement, notre propre organisme. En contaminant la biodiversité marine, ces particules fragilisent la santé de l’océan, ayant des répercussions directes sur la santé humaine.

📉 Une récente étude de l’université de Yale a révélé les dangers du 6PPD-quinone, un composant toxique utilisé comme additif industriel dans la fabrication des pneus. Il traverse les tissus pulmonaires, atteint la circulation sanguine, et peut franchir la barrière hémato-encéphalique, augmentant les risques de maladies respiratoires, cardiaques et neurologiques. Ce poison invisible s’accumule dans l’Océan et affecte la biodiversité marine, de la plus petite créature jusqu’aux grands prédateurs — et par ricochet, nous.

Chez Pure Ocean, nous soutenons des projets scientifiques comme SynSen, qui explore les effets de l’omniprésence des microplastiques sur la régulation de l’ADN des oiseaux marins, et l’accélération de leur vieillissement cellulaire. Ces recherches éclairent les liens profonds entre la santé de l’océan et celle de l’humanité, et rappellent qu’un océan en bonne santé est essentiel à notre survie. 

Il est urgent d’agir ! ⏳ En limitant notre consommation de plastique jetable et l’usage de la voiture individuelle, en innovant dans la conception de matériaux moins nocifs, et en soutenant des initiatives de recherche, nous pouvons réduire l’impact des microplastiques sur notre planète.

📢 Rejoignez-nous dans cette lutte contre la pollution plastique et découvrez le projet Synsen : https://www.pure-ocean.org/synsen/


Save the Date: Prestige dinner in Paris on Wednesday 2 April

Prestige dinner in Paris

On Wednesday 2 April, come and celebrate the Year of the Ocean alongside 100 business leaders committed to preserving our ocean. 

📍 Location: Maison des Polytechniciens (Hôtel Poulpry)

📅 Date: Wednesday 2 April

A special moment, benefiting ocean research, with inspiring exchanges and a convivial dinner.


Contact us at: partner@pure-ocean.org

We look forward to seeing you there for this unforgettable evening!