Call for Projects 2025: ocean research needs you!

Our 6th Call for Projects drew an unprecedented number of applications, underscoring the critical need to support ocean research. We saw a strong participation from projects in the Global South, a region especially vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

💡 Every year, we are amazed by the innovative scientific projects proposed to protect the ocean. Yet, it’s distressing to see so many promising solutions go unsupported. That’s why your support is essential in bringing these ideas to life! But we are also distressed to see so many promising solutions that will not be able to be supported… That’s why your support is crucial to turning these ideas into reality! 🌟

🔍 Next step: 40 projects have been shortlisted to proceed with their applications and submit a full dossier for evaluation by our scientific committee.

📅 Announcement of results on March 21, 2025.

We look forward to discovering and presenting the 2025 projects to you! Many thanks to all the candidates for their efforts and commitment to our ocean. 🙏

💙 Would you like to add your support to help preserve the ocean? By funding ocean research, you are investing in our future: contact us to find out more about corporate partnerships ➡️ 🌊

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