
What are you going to do for the ocean this year?

What are you going to do for the ocean this year?

2025 sera l’année de l’océan ! Alors, pourquoi ne pas commencer dès maintenant ? Jeudi dernier, nous avons lancé cette dynamique avec nos mécènes lors de notre petit-déjeuner de rentrée au Cercle des nageurs.

Après la présentation de nos projets 2024 par Charlie, nous avons discuté des enjeux cruciaux liés à la préservation de l’océan. Votre entreprise pourrait-elle contribuer positivement à la protection de l’océan de manière insoupçonnée ?  Comment faire pour que votre entreprise minimise cet impact ? Les défis sont nombreux, et la bonne santé de l’océan nous incombe à tous. Chaque dirigeant(e) peut faire une réelle différence !

Un grand merci à toutes et à tous pour votre enthousiasme, vos idées et vos questions pertinentes, qui témoignent d’une volonté commune de faire bouger les lignes. 

📢 Rejoignez-nous et faites partie de celles et ceux qui, aujourd’hui, prennent des décisions pour préserver l’océan de demain !

📅 Prochain rendez-vous : l’Ocean Impact Forum le jeudi 17 octobre au Club 29 à Marseille. Notez-le dans vos agendas et préparez vous à passer à l’action !


PRESS RELEASE | Call for projects 2025


Faced with the acceleration of global warming, particularly with the increasing frequency and intensity of marine heatwaves, the ocean is entering a critical phase.
As a global climate regulator, the ocean absorbs over 25% of our CO2 emissions and captures over 90% of the resulting heat.
Its ecosystem services and rich biodiversity are essential to maintaining the Earth’s habitability.
However, human activities-fishing, illegal fishing and various forms of pollution-are seriously compromising its ability to support life.
Scientific research, for its part, provides key elements for understanding the ocean system and paves the way for the discovery and development of solutions to preserve this vital ecosystem.

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Proud of our ambassadors 💙 Meet Manon and Clara, a duo of young top-level sailors

Proud of our ambassadors 💙 Meet Clara & Manon, a duo of young top-level sailors

In 2020, strengthened by over 10 years of friendship, at just 20 years of age, they decided to set up an ambitious sporting project.

🌟 Very quickly, the chemistry between the two sailors was revealed, and the results followed! In 2023 they were crowned 49erFX Junior World Champions in Germany.

🎓 But that’s not all, our sportswomen are also students: Manon is studying at Paris-Dauphine University, while Clara-Sofia is in physiotherapy school.

🌊 Their favorite playground? The ocean, of course. Today, Manon and Clara have decided to get involved in this cause that’s close to their hearts, because it’s necessary to act, and all together, we can change things.

🎯 News of their latest challenge: Manon and Clara finished 7th at the 2024 World Championships. Well done girls, we’re proud of you! 🌊

🌟 Thank you for your unwavering commitment and support, Manon and Clara!


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European Sustainable Development Week starts in 15 days 📣 It’s not too late to take up the Blue Drop Enterprise Challenge!

European Sustainable Development Week starts in 15 days!

📣 It’s not too late to take on the Goutte Bleue Enterprise Challenge! 🌍

From September 18 to October 8, join the movement with Pure Ocean and get your teams involved in the “La Goutte Bleue” Corporate Challenge. Together, let’s make a simple and powerful gesture for the ocean: let’s pick up litter abandoned in nature before it reaches our blue lung. 🌊

💧 La Goutte Bleue is much more than a bag: it’s a symbol of your commitment to the planet! Each bag purchased funds ocean research and strengthens the cohesion of your teams around a concrete and positive action.

In 2023, thanks to your mobilization, 44,550 liters of waste were collected. This year, let’s do even better! 💪

You have 15 days to get ready and make a difference! For more information on how to get involved, visit our website: https://www.pure-ocean.org/la-goutte-bleue-sac-algues-dechets-nature/


Pure Ocean 2025 Call for Projects – It’s On!

Pure Ocean 2025 Call for Projects - It's On! 🌍

Are you a university, research institute, or NGO committed to ocean protection? 🙌 Pure Ocean is launching its 2025 Call for Projects to support innovative research projects that will make a difference!

Since its creation, Pure Ocean has supported 28 scientific projects aligned with 4 key strategic areas, the Pure Ocean Challenges, inspired by the United Nations 10 Ocean Decade Challenges :

🟠 Understanding marine pollution and combating its origins

🟢 Protecting biodiversity and restoring degraded marine ecosystems

🟡 Strengthening the resilience of marine ecosystems and the people who depend on them in the face of climate change

🔵 Improving our knowledge of the ocean-system

This year, special attention will be given to projects:

🤝 Developing marine conservation initiatives managed by local communities and indigenous peoples

🌱 Exploring nature-based solutions for the preservation of blue carbon ecosystems

🗺️ Operating in key oceanic areas : the French littoral, Middle East/Asia and Africa coasts

📅 Timeline:

  • Phase 1: September 1 – October 1, 2024
  • Phase 2: October 15 – November 15, 2024
  • Grantees Announcement: March 21, 2025

Bring your research projects to life for a resilient and sustainable ocean! 🌊

👉 Learn more and apply: https://www.pure-ocean.org/en/**call-for-projects**/